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How To Work Out A Dogs Age

Dogs age calculator to calculate dog age in human years. How to work out a dogs age in people years:


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How To Work Out A Dogs Age

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How to work out a dogs age gives you the human equivalent in years. To work out the human age of a dog or other pets many people will multiply their age by seven years. This is not that accurate dogs age calculator, as differing breeds of dogs will age at differing rates. For example, many smaller breeds of dogs such as a west highland terrier will live well into their late teens, whilst larger dogs may only live to about ten years. Most dogs will also mature faster than their human equivalents. The how to work out a dogs age guidelines below will give you a better idea of how old your dog is in human years:

A One Year Old Dog

Small Dog Breed - Will be 15 human years old.
Medium Sized Dog Breed - Will be 13 human years old.
Large Sized Dog Breed - Will be 12 human years old.

A Two Year Old Dog

Small Dog Breed - Will be 24 human years old.
Medium Sized Dog Breed - Will be 21 human years old.
Large Sized Dog Breed - Will be 19 human years old.

Thereafter for every actual year, add on 4 dog years for a small dog breed, 5 years for a medium dog breed or 7 years for a large dog breed.

Flat Coated Retrievers Book

Flat-Coated Retriever (Comprehensive Owner's Guide) is a detailed flat coated retrievers book, published by Kennel Club Books, which will prove useful to any owner. Chapters include the history of the Flat Coat dog, advice on choosing a puppy, health care and training tips.

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The average life expectancy of a dog is 14 - 15 years.

Dogs Age

Oldest Flat Coated Retriever

Flat-Coats would like to write about the oldest Flat Coated Retriever on this page. Our won flattie is 14 years 5 months and we have heard of two brothers who were 14 years and 10 months. If you know of the oldest Flat Coated Retriever please use the contact link above.

Oldest Dog In The World

The oldest living dog in the 2012 Guinness World Records is male cross Pusuke whose owner is Shigeo Nagai from Japan. Pusuke is 25 years old and was born on the 1 April 1985.

The 2012 edition of the Guinness World Records cited the oldest dog ever as Bluey from Austria and was 29 years and 5 months when he died. He spent his life working with cattle and sheep.

Prior to this the world’s oldest dog was Pusuke from Tokyo in Japan who was 26 years and 8 months when he died in December 2011. Pusuke was a fluffy tan Shiba mix and was owned by Yumiko Shinohara.

Britain's oldest living dog was called Fred (a Papillon) and reached the grand age of 29. So in dogs age in human years using the above dogs age calculator Fred was 132 in human years.

In October 2009 the oldest dog in the world was confirmed as Otto Jones, a Dachshund Terrier. Otto was 20 years and 8 months. His owner said that Otto's favourite food was Sunday roast and vegetables. Sadly Otto died in January 2010 after being put to sleep due to stomach cancer. Otto was 20 years and 11 months old. So in dog to human age, using the dos age calculator above, Otto was 96 human years old.

Dog Portraits from Karla's Creative Capers

Free UK Delivery on Pet Portraits from photographs at Karla's Creative Capers who did the portrait on the left from a photo of my Lucy. The portraits are ready to hang on the wall and are of a high quality canvas. For full details see www.karlascreativecapers.co.uk

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